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Charity Information
Charity Information
Q1. Where is the charity based?
‘Based’ means the country in which the charity is registered or controlled from.
(or established)
‘Based’ means the country in which the charity is registered or controlled from.
(or established)
mandatory field
Northern Ireland
England & Wales
Republic of Ireland
Please enter the Charity registration number or search for charity name using keywords.
If the charity cannot be found, click here to manually input charity details.
Charity name
mandatory field
Northern Ireland charity number (if applicable)
The charity commission for NI does not regulate this charity
If your concern is in respect of a charity based in England or Wales please refer to the
Charity Commission for England and Wales (CCEW)
If your concern is in respect of a charity based in Scotland please refer to the
Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
If your concern is in respect of a charity based in the Republic of Ireland please refer to the
Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA)
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